»»Budget Department |
Mr. S.R. Aworere Director of Budget Department. |
Functions: |
The department carries out the following functions: |
- Production and distribution of approved books of estimate to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government and other Stake holders.
- Placing the Budget on the Internet for all Stake holders to have unhindered access to the document.
- Preparation of supplementary appropriation estimates and distribution of same after its passage and Governor’s assent.
- Preparation and distribution of Mid-year Review and full year reports to all budget Stake holders.
- Collection of Revenue and expenditure data for planning purposes.
- Monitoring of Budget performance through monthly rendition of revenue and expenditure returns by MDAs.
- Conduct of Workshop on Budget preparation, implementation Monitoring/Inspection and evaluation/Reporting for Budget officers in the State.
- Press briefing on the analysis of the Annual Budget by the Honorable Commissioner for public enlightenment.
- Any other function as may be directed.